HealthTop 5

Five of my Favorite Fuelings

Optavia and My Five Favorite Fuelings on the 5&1 Program

Five of my favorite fuelings from the Optavia 5&1 program.

I’ve been on the Optavia 5&1 program since November 30, 2017. There have been several great meal options, and, like any other foods, some that I wasn’t feeling. This post is going to focus on the fuelings that I truly like.

Disclaimer. I’ve been compensated for my post with a product, but the opinions expressed here are 100% my own.  This is a sponsored post was written by me on behalf of Journey To Health With Karen.

My First Fueling

My first fueling that I like is the chocolate fudge pudding. Just add 1/2 cup of water, whisk, and eat. It’s that simple, and it is so delicious! To spiffy it up a little, add 1 tbsp of spray whipped cream (1 condiment) and enjoy!

The next fueling that I love is the Yogurt Berry Blast Shake. The directions say to add 1/2 cup of ice cubes and 1/2 cup of water with the packet and blend; but, I’ve found that adding a cup of water to my shake bottle and it’s quite thick. It’s mainly just a shortcut for me.

Moving right along, one of my favorite lunch fuelings is the Rustic Tomato Herb Penne. I’m a big fan of pasta and traditional-type spaghetti sauces, so this one was a huge hit right off the bat.

lean and green meal

I’ve tried a couple of soups, and I have to say my favorite is the Wild Rice & Chicken Flavored Soup. It contains carrots, celery, onions, peas, and shiitake mushrooms. It’s perfect for a cold winter day, after being out in the cold! I don’t know if it’s good for colds, because, quite honestly, I haven’t been sick this winter! (knock on wood) Maybe because I’ve been eating more healthy I haven’t been sick? Hmmmmm, it is interesting!

My final fave is the Cinnamon Cream Cheese Swirl Cake with Indonesian Cinnamon. It is so amazing! Three tbsp. of water, mix, and nuke it for a minute and you’ll be in heaven!

I’ve mentioned before the support system that’s in place for everyone in the program. It’s a system that continues to support you even after you’ve gone off the 5&1 program and into maintenance. Wednesday nights are webinars. They usually focus on the habits of health and how to incorporate them into your life. They focus on how this is a lifestyle, not a diet.

Lean and Green for Beginners: A Guide to Unlocking of Plans 5&1, 4&2&1 with Easy Recipes Ready in Less Than 30 Minutes to Regain Your Health and Get Back in Shape in Just a Few Weeks! Paperback – April 28, 2024 by Laure Leller (Author)

Purchase here.

Wednesday webinars, Facebook pages, Nutrition Support and individual coach resources are all in place for educating and inspiring clients towards being healthy.

One of the main things about being on the Optavia program is water consumption. The general rule is at least 64 ounces of water per day. I drink one bottle of water (16 ounces) in the morning with my first fueling (consumed within 30 minutes after waking up), then a bottle with each fueling. 16 ounces of water times 5 fuelings, plus a bottle with dinner, which is 6 bottles, equals 96 ounces. Too easy, right? In the past, I found it difficult to drink water during the colder months, because I’m not sweating as much; but, we really should consume just as much in the winter as we do in the warmer months.

Should I note that since I’ve started the Optavia Program, I’m wearing some jeans that are sized 38 waist (from a size 42!). Not all shorts and jeans fit the same, so I’m in size 40 in a few pairs of jeans. I’m finally comfortable in wearing these workout pants that my wife had gotten me several months ago!

favorite optavia fuelings

Once you get on the program, you might find all of these appealing, or some of the other foods they offer. It’s really a matter of taste. I like several others, but these are my main go-to’s.

Do any of these fuelings sound appealing to you?


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Rog Willis

Husband, father to 3 kids, Papa to 2 grandkids. I love rock music (mostly), travel, and social media. I am currently a Manager at Dunkin Donuts so my wife Becky (previously owner of What U Talking Bout Willis) has been holding down my website for me. She has over 15 years experience online so I know you are in good hands.

One thought on “Five of my Favorite Fuelings

  • Heck yes! I would love to try these!


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