
What Are Your Reasons For Losing Weight?

Disclaimer. I’ve been compensated for my post with product, but the opinions expressed here are 100% my own.  This a sponsored post was written by me on behalf of Journey To Health With Karen.

When I got that first phone call (intake interview/health assessment) from Karen, one of the questions she asked me was, “What are your reasons for wanting to lose weight?”

Nobody had ever asked me that before! I knew some of the reasons, but I had to take a minute to think about it.

We’ve all made attempts to lose weight, for various reasons. Some of us have kept it off (kudos to you all!) and some of us have “relapsed” back into old habits, and, therefore, gained the weight back.

When I had a minute to think, I told Karen a few of my reasons for wanting to lose weight:

Back issues and trouble walking and standing for long periods.

To be able to walk my daughter down the aisle on her wedding day, when that day comes.


To be more energetic with my grandkids. Let’s face it: kids have A LOT of energy! They don’t understand why papa got tired after 15 minutes of playing outside!


I wanted to look good, feel good, and have confidence in myself. I’m a true believer in looking good gives one confidence!

To be a healthier, happier me!

Through Karen and the weekly Zoom webinars, I have been able to stay on track. Sure, being on the plan isn’t going to eliminate all of my back pain; but, the fact that I can RUN up to four miles, and have no discomfort in my knees and back is ultimately a blessing! I can stand for long periods of time. Cooking our lean and green meals (yes, I don’t have to cook two separate meals every day!) isn’t a chore to stand over the stove and prepare our healthy meals.

What would be your reasons to lose weight?


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Rog Willis

Husband, father to 3 kids, Papa to 2 grandkids. I love rock music (mostly), travel, and social media. I am currently a Manager at Dunkin Donuts so my wife Becky (previously owner of What U Talking Bout Willis) has been holding down my website for me. She has over 15 years experience online so I know you are in good hands.

31 thoughts on “What Are Your Reasons For Losing Weight?

    • Thank you! It’s definitely making me feel better.

  • I lost over 50 lbs a few year ago. I was very sad and lonely after having my kids. I gained so much weight after my wedding then getting pregnant two times in a row in 2 years. I feel so much better now and love how active I am – I am headed to the gym in an hour to try a new class

    • Trying new things in the gym is always great! I’m glad you didn’t let your weight gain get you down! You rose above it and are conquering it. GOOD FOR YOU!

  • I have lost weight, and have managed to keep it off. I feel my reasons are right in line with yours. You’re doing a great job! Keep up the good work!

  • So happy for you that you have embarked on a journey to feeling your best! Karen sounds like a great supporter and advisor when it comes to weight loss.

    • She is! I’ve lost weight many times in the past, only to watch it creep back on. It’s easier to gain weight than it is to lose! I’m not done! I’m working toward losing another 25-30 pounds. THEN, I’ll be happy!

  • I went on a weightloss journey last year and one of the reasons behind it was just wanting to live a healthier lifestyle.

    • That’s so amazing! I’m glad you’re sticking with it!

  • I really struggle to lose weight, I would love to do it to feel better about myself, to not look in the mirror and think urgh.

    • I have struggled in the past. Back in 2013 I lost a lot of weight, only to put it back on. It really killed my self-esteem. This time around, I’m all in!

    • Good for you! Thank you for your reply!

  • This is wonderful! I started because I wanted to be able to walk and play with my children without getting winded. It was a huge wakeup call. I haven’t looked back since!

    • That was one of my biggest wake up calls: getting tired a few minutes into playing with my grand kids Good that you’re on your way to being healthy and in shape!

  • I am loosing weight so I can run around with my future grandchildren and to teach my children how to live a healthy lifestyle!

    • Good for you! I am glad you’ve taken the reigns and are teaching your kids how to live a healthy lifestyle!

  • I am an older mom and my reasons for losing weight are both my boys! I need to do that to spend more quality time with them, now playing and into the future meeting their future families!

    • Kids in general should be at the top of anyone’s reasons for losing weight, in my opinion.

  • Running 4 miles? Holy moly, that’s great! I’d like to lose weight to be healthier and happier. Honestly, when I look good, I feel good and I agree that it’s definitely a confidence booster. It’s like a domino effect, you look good, you feel good, so you do good (I know that’s not proper grammar, lol – but you get the idea).

  • My reasons are so basic. They are just wanting to fit into my clothing again! I am tired of buying new clothes!

  • When I decided to lose weight, it was about health and fitness. It wasn’t about fitting into a pair of skinny jeans. It’s all about a lifestyle for me now.

  • Being here to take care of my parents and taking wild vacations with my husband are my reasons for wanting to lose weight. I need to do a better job though:)

  • I have similar reasons. For me, I want to be healthy and live a long life so I can watch my kids grow up and start families of their own.

  • For me it’s mostly about being healthy, but I LOVE looking fit. I love the changes to my body as I lose fat weight and gain muscle. I think my hubby also enjoys it because I have more confidence. 🙂

  • Keep up the great work. For me it’s myself and my kids. I have not been able to reach 4 miles….wow that is awesome!!! Keep sticking with it.

  • For the reasons are always personal. There is just a certain weight I feel good at, and if go bit over that I am not feeling good physically and mentally.

  • I have really cute clothes waiting for me in the closet. I want to feel more like myself again, and getting back into my wardrobe would help.

  • Being more energetic, both for The Grands and Babushka herself are great reasons for losing weight. Gracias for the reminder. BB2U

  • I was 110 kg before 8 years and I have worked hard so right now m 80 kg but its really hard to loose weight.

    I was not happy with my weight bit 80kgs is still more.I”ll have to reduce more.

  • With the state of things right now, I really enjoy snacking . I have gained weight, but I’m focused on losing at least 20 lbs. I have young kids and I’ve become much more particular about the food and drink I purchase. If I don’t buy it I can’t eat it when I get a craving for junk food. My kids are energetic, so I have to be healthy for to keep up with them.


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