
Make Your Weekend Gardening a Better Experience

weekend gardening

A majority of people work shifts or days that are not conducive to fully working a garden. It is of the utmost importance to start the process of having a difficulty-free garden. This post provides you with that first step and helps accomplish a precise understanding of the challenges you may face as a weekend gardener. The goal is to construct a garden that virtually takes care of itself.

Most people never find a way to evade the overwhelming sense of responsibilities and burdensome work that seems endless, as required by a high-maintenance garden. If you want to avoid the consequences of planting a garden that will be overwhelming with your work schedule, you’ll need to start by making a decisive audit of the maintenance of your yard and garden.

If you and your family are planning a garden, begin by taking a walk around your yard space and determine how much time you take to look after those areas.

  • Which plants demand the most care, at this moment?
  • Are there places in your yard that make you happy and require less care?
  • What areas do you love so much that no matter the maintenance it takes you don’t want to change them?
  • Can you foresee any areas being downsized, or that can be revised with a low-maintenance layout or gardening approach?
  • Do you have an issue weeding the area?
  • What areas of your lawn are the most difficult to mow?

As you do an initial examination, remember it is acceptable to acknowledge what you dislike when it comes to gardening work. It’s important that we eradicate these areas first.

People that you know may have a different opinion when it comes to lawn maintenance and gardening. For example, I don’t like mowing the lawn. Not because I don’t like the exercise, but we have a huge yard (just over an acre). Thank God for riding mowers! Other people and their kids may actually enjoy the exercise or enjoy getting some sun. You may find weeding tedious, while others will enjoy grabbing weeds by the handful and tearing them forcefully out of the ground by the roots. Part of your survey is to jot down the areas that involve extra work. How you feel about each spot and specifying which areas are explicitly time-consuming.

Once you’ve completed that task, take your inventory, and indicate with a checkmark next to those items that you expect to retain regardless of how much work involved it takes. For the other items on your list, put a question mark (?) next to the ones you take pride in looking at, but take too much work. You will find techniques you can implement to these problem areas that will end up saving you time.

You should make a plan to get rid of those areas that you left UNMARKED. You will want low maintenance ways to make these areas into places of satisfaction, instead of an ongoing chore. You must first IDENTIFY the issues out there in your yard before you can DO anything to lessen the efforts. Do this as a first step to accomplish bliss in your gardening experience.

Does your yard need an inventory to get a better sense of the areas that need more or less work?

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weekend gardening


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Rog Willis

Husband, father to 3 kids, Papa to 2 grandkids. I love rock music (mostly), travel, and social media. I am currently a Manager at Dunkin Donuts so my wife Becky (previously owner of What U Talking Bout Willis) has been holding down my website for me. She has over 15 years experience online so I know you are in good hands.

33 thoughts on “Make Your Weekend Gardening a Better Experience

  • Pingback: A Beginners Guide to Home Composting ⋆ Life as Rog

  • Pingback: Tower Gardening: A Guide for Beginners ⋆ Life as Rog

  • with schools being out,,we are starting our garden a bit earlier just to get the grankids involved and give them some chores and something fun to do with their time

    • I think they’ll enjoy that! They may not even look at it as “work”!

  • I wish we had room for a garden. We live in a small rental so that is not going to happen.

  • When we were younger, we enjoyed gardening. We planted tomatoes 🍅 and cucumbers 🥒
    But being seniors now, we can’t kneel on our knees. I can’t make my hands work like they used to. I do recommend trying it though. We we’re proud of our little “crops”. I pinned your guide for later. Thank you for sharing!

    • I appreciate the pin! I’ll be doing a blog post soon for using buckets for your garden. Stay tuned!

  • I’m excited to get out and plant my flower garden!

    • You and me both! The weather is FINALLY starting to warm up here!

  • I use a variety of low maintenance and native plants that don’t need as much care but add some annuals to give color and variety. Doing an inventory is a good idea.

    • It just makes sense! You have the right idea for your garden!

  • My yard has become more perennials now. I only plant annuals in a small area & my veggie garden is now a yearly wildflower garden for the butterflies.

  • Going to be planting flowers this weekend!

  • I love having a garden.

  • I love having a garden and I like growing plants and vegetables and watering them everyday and growing flowers.

  • Pingback: Three Varieties of Gardens You Can Grow to Battle Stress ⋆ Life as Rog

  • LIving in the country I am blessed to be able to have a large vegetable garden and flower gardens galore. Lovespending time in them all week

    • That is awesome! Since it’s just me and my wife Becky, we’ll do a small garden, even though we have just over an acre 🙂

  • In my area we don’t start our garden (vegetables) until after Memorial Day. We have a short growing season. I’m eager to start.

    • Sounds about like our area! I’m looking forward to getting our vegetables in soon. I just got done planting a garden I’m dedicating to our veterans and first responders.

  • Can’t garden as I live in an apartment complex. I also have a disability which means I can’t get to the ground or use tools on the ground.

    • I wrote a blog post not too long ago about tower gardens. You might find it interesting and informative 🙂

  • I would love to garden. I don’t have the space or a yard at all. When we do have the space I’ll definitely garden.

    • I wrote a blog post about tower gardens! They’re perfect for small spaces.

  • This information about making your weekend gardening a better experience is very helpful. Thanks for sharing!

  • Pingback: Bring Life To Your Home With Concrete Sealers | Life With Heidi

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