
A Guide to Vine Plants and How to Beautify Your Garden

garden vines

At some point in your gardening hobby, you may find yourself growing tired of the usual selection of flowers and shrubs in your garden, perhaps it’s time to venture into adding VINES to your garden.

Advantages of Having Vines In Your Garden

Vines are often neglected as a beautiful addition to your garden. They bring added color and charm to your garden. Vines make the ultimate use of the vertical space in your garden; an aspect you will welcome when you’ve used up the majority of space of the soil. Additionally, there are a number of vines that can contribute to your garden, making your garden one step closer to beautiful perfection. In conclusion, vines can become fully useful when there are areas where you wish to evade deep roots from emerging. Vines can function as ground cover and help avoid slopes in your garden from disintegration.

Adding Spindles for Your Vines

People favor a support or two in their gardens when they decide to introduce vines as a way of enhancing and beautifying their pet-project. Despite the fact an arbor surrounded by vines is a stereotypical symbol, nobody can deny their scenic charm.

Make sure that you choose primitive-looking wood, painted, stained, or treated – for your trellis. Consider the upkeep costs as well when you’re looking for lattice or other frameworks for your garden. The structure must fit not only your personality and garden but also the color and design of your vines as well. Since most vines are fast-growing, count on your arbor to be fully wrapped in vines in a year or two.

Vines that Entwine

Twines- These types of vines consist of very limber stems which braid around a support – a tree trunk, for example – and types of these would be wisteria, morning glory vine, or hyacinth bean.

Root Attachment – These types of vines attach themselves – in lieu of twining – to walls, posts, roots, or any clinging disc for support. Some good examples of these would be the popular English ivy and a majority of forms of Virginia creeper.

Tendril – These vines have diminished stems or leaves that wrap themselves on supports. Passionflower – also known as clematis – and sweet pea vines are great examples.

Leaners – These vines do not occupy any built-in system that could use another object or plant for support. For that reason, these vines would have to be either secured or woven through posts, or any other structure. Climbing roses are a perfect example of leaners.

Other Classifications of Vines

Perennial – Examples are wisteria, Carolina Jessamine, gold honeysuckle, and climbing roses.

Annual – Moon vine and morning glories are good examples

Click here for a comprehensive guide to vines

Some Additional Advice

When you’re choosing the types of vines you prefer to weave through your garden as a beautification project, make sure that it’s really something you wish to do. Vines will all take a long time – a few years, give or take – to grow and lay a foundation. They’re going to look awkward in the early stages of development. It would be sad and disappointing if you cut them off because you’re impatient that they’re growing at a slow pace.

Lastly, please consider that some vines are naturally heftier than others and will require stout support for better growth and easier maintenance.

Do you use vines in your garden as a way to beautify it? Do you know anyone who does this?

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Rog Willis

Husband, father to 3 kids, Papa to 2 grandkids. I love rock music (mostly), travel, and social media. I am currently a Manager at Dunkin Donuts so my wife Becky (previously owner of What U Talking Bout Willis) has been holding down my website for me. She has over 15 years experience online so I know you are in good hands.

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