
Tips for Readying and Using Your Outdoor Power Equipment

Pay Attention to Safety When Using Spring Lawn Mowers & Other Outdoor Power Equipment 
Know Your Machine, Review Safety Procedures, and Follow Manufacturer’s Guidance

Spring is here and as we get out our lawnmowers and other outdoor power equipment from storage to work in our yards, businesses, and other green spaces, it’s important to keep safety in mind.

“Think safety first,” says Kris Kiser, President and CEO of the Outdoor Power Equipment Institute (OPEI), an international trade association representing outdoor power equipment, small engine, utility vehicle, golf car, and personal transport vehicle manufacturers and suppliers. 

“I can’t stress enough to review the manufacturer’s safety guidance before starting up any equipment—especially your lawn mower. Review your owner’s manual and do maintenance on your equipment,” said Kiser.

OPEI offers these tips for readying and using your outdoor power equipment:

  Know not all lawnmowers are the same. Whether your mower is a garden tractor, zero turn mower, or other, it has a unique design, requirements, weight classification, and other differences that impact how to use it safely. The newest machines have the latest safety standards.

•    Know your specific machine. Many mowers may look similar but the technology is ever-evolving with evolving safety systems. They vary in design, power supply, performance, operating parameters, and more. Your manufacturer-supplied owner’s manual will guide you in these differences. Read your owner’s manual.

•    When using mowers on slopes follow the manufacturer’s guidance to the letter.

•    Do not disable or alter manufacturer-installed safety equipment.

•    Walk your yard before mowing. Slopes, wet grass, and weather may impact equipment performance, as well as safe handling procedures. Pick up sticks and limbs that may have fallen to the ground over the winter and any loose objects that could be hit by a mower. Inspect trees for damaged limbs that may get in your way when mowing. 

•    Look over equipment before use. Check the air filter, oil level, and gasoline tank. Watch for loose belts and missing or damaged parts. Replace any parts needed or take your equipment to a qualified service representative. 
•    Protect your power. Use only E10 or less fuel in gasoline-powered outdoor power equipment if it is not designed for higher ethanol blends. Add a fuel stabilizer if you don’t use up all the fuel in the tank right away. Burn off any fuel before storing the mower for more than 30 days. For battery-powered equipment, only use battery packs specified by the manufacturer. Follow all charging instructions as outlined in the owner’s manual. Be sure to store fuel and batteries safely. Keep batteries away from other metal objects, store them in a climate-controlled area, and never stack batteries.

•    Keep children and pets away from machines during operation.

•    Keep your mower clean. It will run more efficiently and last longer. Always remove dirt, oil, or grass before using and storing. Store equipment in a dry place, avoiding damp or wet environments. 

For information on safe fueling, go to www.LookBeforeYouPump.com

For more safety information visit www.opei.org

outdoor power equipment

About OPEI

OPEI is an international trade association representing manufacturers and suppliers of outdoor power equipment, small engines, battery power systems, portable generators, utility and personal transport vehicles, and golf cars. OPEI is the advocacy voice of the industry, and a recognized Standards Development Organization for the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and active internationally through the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), and the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) in the development of safety and performance standards. OPEI owns Equip Exposition, the international landscape, outdoor living, and equipment exposition, and administers the TurfMutt Foundation, which directs the environmental education program, TurfMutt. OPEI-Canada represents members on a host of issues, including recycling, emissions, and other regulatory developments across the Canadian provinces.

Media contacts
Ami Neiberger, Four Leaf PR on behalf of OPEI, (703) 887-4877, ami@fourleafpr.com  
Debbi Mayster, Four Leaf PR on behalf of OPEI, (240) 988-6243, debbi@fourleafpr.com 


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Rog Willis

Husband, father to 3 kids, Papa to 2 grandkids. I love rock music (mostly), travel, and social media. I am currently a Manager at Dunkin Donuts so my wife Becky (previously owner of What U Talking Bout Willis) has been holding down my website for me. She has over 15 years experience online so I know you are in good hands.

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