
My Wonderful Opportunity with Optavia.

Disclaimer. I’ve been compensated for my post with the product, but the opinions expressed here are 100% my own.  This a sponsored post was written by me on behalf of Journey To Health With Karen

Disclosure: “As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.” Some of the links in this post are ‘affiliate links.’ This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, I will receive an affiliate commission.

As a lot of you are aware, I write blog posts on weight loss tips and exercise routines, in the hopes of inspiring you to exercise and lose weight. I’ve been diligently working out since I started this blog in June, and I have not had the success I had had in the past. Only God knows why. I drink water, cut the crap out (except and occasional cheat day), exercise 5-6 days per week and try to get 7-8 hours of sleep a night. I just wasn’t losing any weight! It’s was frustrating, AND depressing.

losing weight with optavia

Most days, I wake up fatigued, and I feel sluggish. I thought I was supposed to be coming out of this, not staying in it!  It was a couple of months ago that I was given an email address, and that has changed my outlook for weight loss from pessimistic to extremely optimistic!

I was contacted by the coach who is walking me through this program, Karen Goldfarb. She is my health coach.  She and I will talk on the phone (regularly as I begin my journey; and we will continue to be in contact as I continue).   She will be there to answer any questions I may have. This is the big difference between Optavia and all other plans. They are diets, with little to no human interaction. They give you the stuff, and tell ya, “here ya go! Good luck!”.

Lean and Green for Beginners: A Guide to Unlocking of Plans 5&1, 4&2&1 with Easy Recipes Ready in Less Than 30 Minutes to Regain Your Health and Get Back in Shape in Just a Few Weeks! Paperback – April 28, 2024 by Laure Leller (Author)

Purchase here.

This program teaches you a lifestyle change, and, let’s be honest; I wasn’t changing my lifestyle. I thought I was. With this program, you have a coach who will talk with you when it’s at your convenience. They won’t just call you out of the blue, when you’re smack-dab in the middle of something. (In addition, there are numerous other supports available to me including a Facebook group, Nutrition Support call center available to answer any nutritional or program questions, and weekly webinars.).  Webinars are a very useful tool, to teach you how this works, and to keep you on track.

I am very excited and upbeat about this program! I’m super excited to see where this path leads. I hope that you all follow along on this new path along my journey, and I hope that my success will inspire you! Karen gave me the keys to the car; now, it’s up to me to drive it along my journey to health and fitness, with her as my co-pilot!

Disclosure: Some of the links in this post are 'affiliate links.' This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, I will receive an affiliate commission.

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Rog Willis

Husband, father to 3 kids, Papa to 2 grandkids. I love rock music (mostly), travel, and social media. I am currently a Manager at Dunkin Donuts so my wife Becky (previously owner of What U Talking Bout Willis) has been holding down my website for me. She has over 15 years experience online so I know you are in good hands.

31 thoughts on “My Wonderful Opportunity with Optavia.

  • So excited to be with you on this journey! You are going to do great and be an inspiration to others!

    • You’re an amazing copilot! Thank you so much!

  • A health coach sounds like a great opportunity! I too struggle with weight loss. Good luck on your journey.

    • Yes I agree! She’s been very helpful and is full of knowledge! I’ve struggled for many years with my weight. I’ve already lost 3 pounds!

  • This is something I haven’t heard of and it is great with the help they actually can give. Most people struggle with weight problem sometime in their lives.

    • I’ve struggled with my weight for a long time! What I’ve been doing up until now hasn’t been working. I was fortunate and excited to jump at this opportunity

  • Congratulations on your new journey! I’ve been supporting you from the sidelines, and I know you’ve struggled. This looks like it will work great for you. I wish you the best with this opportunity!

  • Haven’t heard of this program, but it sounds like it will be a great, supportive opportunity. Best of luck on your journey.

    • Thanks for your support ?

  • Congratulations! I can’t wait to follow along and see all of your accomplishments. Best of luck to you!

    • Thanks! I’ll be posting weekly on my progress and other things related to my journey

  • I wish you all the best with this journey man! I kinda wanna be fit too but quite lazy as of this moment. I cannot balance yet the work + blog + gym. It is so hard especially working on night shift. Anyways, keep us posted. You can do it1!

    • Thank you! I too am balancing work (VA&Blogging) as well. The only exercise I’m doing while in this weight loss phase is 30 minutes of walking. I can carve that out in my busy days! I will be posting more each week

  • This sounds like an interesting weight loss program. I agree that a lifestyle change is necessary to have a long-lasting, meaningful change. Best of luck that this program works for you.

    • Thank you for your support! I agree that it’s a lifestyle change

  • Glad to hear that you are having success on your journey. I hear you about making changes, but not changing your lifestyle. I think I am going to have to change up my lifestyle soon.. I definitely need to take eating healthy seriously.

    • If you’re serious, you should definitely check into this program!

  • I wish you luck with this new program! I plan on following the progress and hopefully it helps me kick my butt into gear. I’m currently working full time, blogging full time for side hustle plus I’m a single mom – so I’m always so exhausted. Maybe watching someone else’s progress will motivate me!

    • My wife has noticed I sleep more soundly now that I’m on this program! I’m not as sluggish and I’ve lost 3 pounds in 2 days!

  • Wow, I will be looking forward on your journey! Just focus over your goal and have the right attitude and self-discipline. Now I am much more inspired after reading this post.

    • I’m glad you’re inspired! Thank you for your kind words!

  • I’m so excited to be following your journey. I have struggled with weight – and even when I do try the healthier eating and the extra exercise, I feel more fatigued and The scale never seems to change. It gets frustrating and I fall off track.

    • I was doing those things that you mentioned too! I am excited to see where this goes

  • I think a very important part of your journey is having a coach you can rely on. When you have a coach to support you and hold you accountable, you will always do better in your weight loss journey!

  • So excited to see where this takes you! What an amazing opportunity! I would love a health coach!

    • I’ll post progress, as well as benefits of the plan. Stay tuned!

  • I think it’s a great program! I’ve been struggling with weight too for a little while but I’ve lost some. It’s great to have someone to tale to during your journey.

    • I agree! Someone to help keep me accountable will be so awesome

  • I’m excited for your new journey! It sounds like a great program and I hope you reach your weight loss goal.

    • Thank you! As of 12/6, I’ve lost 5 pounds!


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