
How are YOU Feeling?

Disclaimer. I’ve been compensated for my post with a product, but the opinions expressed here are 100% my own. This a sponsored post was written by me on behalf of Journey To Health With Karen.

How are YOU Feeling?

This wasn’t a literal question I asked myself daily before I started the Optavia program. My body and mind told me how I felt: restless during bedtime, fatigued during the day, lacked energy and drive to do just about anything that required manual labor, and sleepy throughout the day because of said restlessness. When I was told about the Optavia program, I was seeing and hearing about results from people who were doing the program. Although I knew results would vary, I was positive that this could be the answer to the things I was dealing with, and boy, was I right!

I started the program November 30, 2017, at 269 pounds.30nov17 269 pounds

I knew going in that there could be some headaches, as I was shocking my body’s digestive system and eating patterns. I did experience some mild headaches, nothing some ibuprofen couldn’t handle. After a few days, they went away. It wasn’t a constant daily headache. They came and went, like one headache per day.

After about four days, my energy levels increased. My sleep at night had improved. My wife said I wasn’t snoring nearly as much as I was before I started. I started out walking about 30 minutes per day. Nothing earth-shattering, speed wise. Just to get out and get some fresh air and burn a little more energy that I was starting to experience. Within a couple of weeks, I had lost about 15 pounds, and I had begun mixing in some light jogging. Before I started the Optavia program, I couldn’t jog half a mile without feeling extremely sore and winded. I set a timer on my phone and jogged until it went off. I was amazed at how much easier it was to jog and have no breathing issues or extreme soreness or fatigue!

Fast-forward to New Year’s Eve, I set out for a jog, and wound up jogging THREE miles! run2 1

I felt great, no breathing issues, and I recovered rather quickly from exercising sore muscles. The increase in my distance has inspired me to train for a local 5K race coming up in June, that’s for ovarian cancer awareness. I will be writing a post about that run in the near future.

It has been well over five years since I’ve felt this great! I’m back in the gym a few days per week. I’m fitting into clothes I had not wore in about three to four years! I’ve lost twenty pounds since I’ve started the program.
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I understand all too well that starting any lifestyle change that it has to come from the individual. Sacrifices have to be made, however difficult they may be to make. My questions to you are, if you’re wanting to lose weight and eat more healthy, what’s stopping you? Are you willing to make sacrifices to achieve your weight loss goals and become more healthy? I can also empathize with you that you have to be ready. For me, I was getting tired of feeling tired. I had finally had enough of getting winded running around with my grandkids, and being sore afterward. I finally said NO MORE, when it came to my extra big boy clothes not fitting. Weight loss decisions have to come from YOU. Your doctor can preach to you about needing to lose weight, make healthier choices, blah blah blah; but, in the end, it comes down to your decision. If not now, when?

*mic drop*


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Rog Willis

Husband, father to 3 kids, Papa to 2 grandkids. I love rock music (mostly), travel, and social media. I am currently a Manager at Dunkin Donuts so my wife Becky (previously owner of What U Talking Bout Willis) has been holding down my website for me. She has over 15 years experience online so I know you are in good hands.

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