
Give the Gift of Illuminate Labs for Father’s Day

Disclosure: I received these items in exchange for my honest review. Opinions are 100% mine.

If your dad, husband, or significant other take supplements daily, Illuminate Labs will be a great gift idea for them!

Illuminate Labs takes pride in utilizing third-party testing of their supplements. They use European Union standards, which are the strictest in the world. They provide full transparency on their products page by sharing the test results with you to view while you shop. An informed decision is the best decision!

Calloway Cook is the Founder and President of Illuminate Labs. Along with his team of dedicated scientists and business associates, he is committed to bringing you the best supplements on the market! Calloway started this company out of frustration of not finding suitable supplements to combat his high blood pressure. He quickly learned that there were many consumers out there who shared the same frustration of not knowing the results of the supplements that were being sold. Hence, Illuminate Labs was born!

The three products I received were:

illuminate labs cinnamon

Ceylon Cinnamon Extract Capsules – 1000 mg

This supplement contains Ceylon Cinnamon, which aids in normalizing cholesterol levels. I have high cholesterol and this supplement could aid me in lowering my high levels.

illuminate labs ginko

Ginkgo Biloba Extract Capsules – 240 mg

Ginkgo biloba extract is an herbal extract that comes from the leaves of the Maidenhair Tree. It’s a product that’s believed to energize the body, improve mental purity, and reduce inflammation. If your man is anything like me-someone who deals with inflammation on a daily basis-this supplement may be what he needs!

Panax Ginseng Extract Capsules – 200 mg

illuminate labs ginseng

Panax ginseng extract has shown to improve cognitive performance and support energy. As a blogger who sits a majority of the time, I rely on being alert and energetic. Who are we kidding, right? Sitting at the desk while working on a blog can drain your energy and alertness. This also holds true for people who have desk jobs!

As I’m getting older, I’m looking to take better care of my overall health. My family and work depend on it. Illuminate Labs are the supplements I’ll be using to achieve that! If Illuminate Labs is your choice for dad this year, he’ll be glad you chose them!

Every fiscal year, Illuminate Labs will be donating 5% of their profits to their partner charity called CURE Childhood Cancer. CURE is a non-profit organization dedicated to conquering childhood cancer by funding targeted research along with supporting patients and their families.

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Rog Willis

Husband, father to 3 kids, Papa to 2 grandkids. I love rock music (mostly), travel, and social media. I am currently a Manager at Dunkin Donuts so my wife Becky (previously owner of What U Talking Bout Willis) has been holding down my website for me. She has over 15 years experience online so I know you are in good hands.

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