FOOD!!!! I’ll be the first to admit: I LOVE FOOD! Sure, there are types I can do without; but, food is life. Literally and figuratively. Since I’ve begun this journey towards losing weight, I’ve had to break up with a lot of food!
To be honest, I’m handling this break-up better than expected! I’m sure the hamburgers aren’t shedding a tear, as there are a lot more people out there consuming this stuff. So, yeah, don’t cry for me, hamburger!
I guess my mindset is focused on. I do have food cravings from time to time; but, I remind myself:
Do you really not want to look like this? EVER?
I’ve cut a lot of stuff out of my diet: Pizza, burgers, Sweet Cereals, and Soda, to name a few.
It’s a process, and I’m not saying I’ll NEVER go back to my “exes”; but, it’ll be in moderation, AND when I’ve gotten a good amount of weight off. I don’t want to have buyer’s remorse!
So, what are some of the things I’m eating now, you say? Well, instead of red meat, I’m eating chicken, turkey, and, when I’m in the mood for it, fish. I drink 2 protein shakes per day: 1 within an hour, post-workout, and one before I go to bed. 8 ounces each. I make fruit smoothies, with yogurt, fresh and/or frozen fruit and almond milk, in place of regular milk. I do like using frozen fruits to give the smoothie a thicker quality. I was told a trick was to eat 6-7 raw almonds, 3 times per day, with a bottle of water. I have done some reading on them, and they provide a variety of benefits when eaten in moderation. (search health benefits of raw almonds)
There are to major battles in the war against fat: Food choices and exercise. Once you get your choices going in the right direction and begin an exercise regimen, you should start seeing results in around 8 weeks. That’s a general rule of thumb. Each one of you is made up differently, so what may take you less time to see results, may take another person 8 weeks or longer. Just stick with it! You’ll be glad you did!
Stacie @ Divine Lifestyle says
I had to break up with junk food. It was hard at first, but now that I’ve had it out of my system for a while, I’m feeling much better.
Rog says
2 thumbs up, Stacie! As the old song goes, “Breaking up is hard to do”! I too am amazed at how much better I feel!
Vera Sweeney says
I’ve cut a lot of bad stuff out of my diet. I’ve even given up my ice cream. I’ve been feeling a lot better. I do still eat lean red meat once or twice a week, but only because I have a tendency to be just a tad anemic.
Rog says
That’s awesome, Vera! By the way, tell Bill I said hello! I met him at the Mazda presser
Jeanette says
I don’t eat a lot of bad food because I don’t have the best stomach, but I will say that sweets are my weakness. I have cut down quite a bit on them but I’m sure I can do more.
Rog says
Ugh! Sweets are my kryptonite! I’ve subbed sweets for either sugar-free sweets, or fruit. Good for you on cutting down on them!
Kristen @ My 3 Little Kittens says
You are seriously ROCKING this. I wish I was rocking mine! Total inspiration! Thank you!
Rog says
Thank you for that! I sincerely appreciate the love! If you ever want to vent, or whatever, feel free to add me as a friend on facebook. I’m married to Becky Willis, if you know her. Together, we can do this!
robin rue says
Ugh, I need to break up with A LOT of things, not just burgers. I Have gained a lot of weight this year and need to take it back off.
Rog says
It’s been a struggle for me. Will power is an absolute must; BUT, allow yourself 2 things: 1. a cheat meal once a week, and 2. forgiveness if you fall off the wagon. I just got started blogging and I’m planning on posting workouts when I can get pictures or videos. We’ve got this!
Mama to 6 Blessings says
I am where you are. No more sweets, breads or junks. Done! Doing this I have list 7 lbs. In 2 1/2 weeks.
Rog says
That. Is. AWESOME! Good for you! That makes me feel good knowing others such as yourself are taking the steps to make better food choices!
Liz Mays says
Breaking up with sodas would be the most challenging for me because they’re so easy to sip on unconsciously! It sounds like you have a good idea of what foods you want to focus on. That should help a lot when rewiring your habits!
Rog says
Indeed I do! Believe me: It would be nothing to hop down to the store and grab a big Coke out of the soda fountain, but that would be defeating my purpose! I’m hoping that good food choices and increased water intake will soon be a habit!
Ann B says
I have had to cut out my milkshakes and other sweets that I always crave. I have been cutting back on bread and trying to replace a lot of my meet with plant-based protein. I still treat myself once a week with one reward meal.
Rog says
Treating yourself is crucial in my opinion! Otherwise, it’ll drive you nuts! You’ve hit the nail on the head: To lose weight, we must first begin to substitute/eliminate foods that aren’t good for us. Good job on doing what you’re doing!
Sister says
I’m a stress eater and I have a lot of stress. Deadlines at work and school. I tell myself I need my lover, Chocolate. Even if I try something else the craving when’s and I lose. Any suggestions, bro?
Rog says
If you can get 30 minutes a day walking, that would start. Doesn’t need to be intense. Drinking more water, helps me to curb cravings. I searched for teas to help with stress
Here’s a list of 6 natural teas for stress and anxiety so that you can literally drink your way to calmness and relaxation.
Peppermint Tea (Mentha Piperita) …
Chamomile Tea (Matricaria Recutita) …
Lemon Balm Tea (Melissa Officinalis) …
Passion flower tea (Passiflora incanata) …
Green Tea (Camella Sinensis)
I’m seriously going to look into green tea. Supposedly they have a lot of health benes
Hope this helps sis. We’re going to make every effort to come down next year to see the fam, once everything is decided
Maria Carbone says
I think it’s awesome that you have gotten such a determination that it barely bothers you about giving those up. I’ve been there and I love that feeling. Keep trucking!
Rog says
Thank you! I’ve been doing some research, and I read that increasing protein intake actually will help curb sweets cravings. Once I read that, I thought, “Hmm!” Maybe that’s why I’m not craving sweets!
katrina gehman says
i stopped drinking pop and it has made a huge difference. so much sugar in it and it’s bad for you.
Rog says
Yes indeed! People would be amazed at how much sugar is in ONE soda! Madness! Sad fact is a bottle of water is more expensive than a bottle of Coke in most cases!
LaShawn says
I’m in the beginning of my breakup with carbs. We just can’t be friends anymore. Maybe we can be acquaintances in the future tho. Hopefully. I miss fries. LOL
Rog says
Very witty comments! I love it! Yes I miss those crazy fries as well; but, think of how much they were holding us down?
Sherry says
I try to break up with soda but I keep going back for more. I definitely need to hook up with water instead.
Rog says
Soda for me is like the crazy ex-girlfriend!
Jocelyn @ Hip Mama's Place says
It’s a huge challenge to switch to a lifestyle that’s completely different than the one that you’re used to but I’m glad that you pushed through with it. Your discipline is inspiring! It’s just so much better to see people eating healthier!
Rog says
I look at it this way: Do I want to continue to look and feel the way I do? Or, do I want to do something about it? When you breathe heavily tying your shoes, it’s time to make some changes. For me it’s an obvious choice! Thank you for your support!
Kelly Hutchinson says
I recently had to break up with sugar. It was tough, but now I don’t even think about it.
Rog says
Good for you! For the most part, I’ve cut about 98% of sugar out! The only thing I won’t sacrifice is my morning coffee. I lost a ton of weight in the past, while not giving that up, so I know it CAN be done!
Kari Lorz says
Doughnuts are my kryptonite, but I gotta stay strong!
Rog says
You can do it! I had a difficult time at first with stuff like donuts; but, it’ll pass
Veronica Lee says
I will have to break up with deep-fried foods!
Rog says
Ugh right? I’ve broken up with fried foods! It was hard, but it’s worth it!
beverly harrold says
i had to break up with potato chips which was easier than i thought because when i did i stopped gettiing migraines
Rog says
It’s funny (not literally) what we find that causes certain ailments such as migraines! Good for you! I haven’t had chips either in over 6 weeks!
Sara Zielinski says
You are doing awesome.
Rog says
Thank you, Sara!