
Colleen O’Grady Author of Dial Up the Dream

Licensed Therapist, Coach, and Expert on Mother-Teen Relationships


Colleen O’Grady, MA, LPC is a licensed therapist and life coach who helps moms reduce drama, reclaim their lives, and dial up the dream with their teens and young adult. Colleen has a thriving private practice in Houston, TX, and coaches moms worldwide.

After more than 50,000 hours of working with parents and teens and being a mom in the trenches with her own teenage daughter, she published her best-selling book Dial Down the Drama: Reducing Conflict and Reconnecting with Your Teenage Daughter—-A Guide for Mothers Everywhere. Her latest release, Dial Up the Dream: Make Your Daughter’s Journey to Adulthood the Best for Both of You (Page Two, May 1, 2022) is now available wherever books are sold.

Colleen is also the creator of The Power Your Parenting: How to Reconnect with your Teen (and Reclaim Your Life). This is a seven-week program with like-minded moms designed to transform negative patterns (drama) into a healthy, fun, loving connection with your teen while you reclaim a life you love. Colleen has shared her message of practical hope with moms worldwide in Parents, The Wall Street Journal, popular parenting podcasts, and on the red carpet at TEDxWilmington. She is the host of the Power Your Parenting: Moms with Teens podcast, which has been ranked the number one podcast on parenting teens.


Dial Up the Dream: Make Your Daughter’s Journey to Adulthood the Best—For Both of You (Page Two, May 1, 2022)

“O’Grady proves assured and inviting, offering wisdom—”As the consultant, Mom’s role is one of a coach”—that her book exemplifies: it’s a work of first-rate coaching itself.”

—Publishers Weekly

“Over the course of this parenting manual, readers will find that O’Grady’s advice is uniformly sound and empathetic; one will immediately feel as if one is in caring hands…A forceful and wide-ranging advice book for readers raising young women.”

—Kirkus Reviews

Your daughter is growing up, but you don’t have to grow apart.

Picking up where her national bestseller, Dial Down the Drama, left off, Colleen O’Grady’s Dial Up the Dream supports mothers in navigating their daughter’s last days at home and her transition to adulthood. This emerging-adult stage can be even more stressful on both mother and daughter than the teen years because the stakes are higher and the changes to the relationship more profound.

  • Phase 1: Preserve the relationship during senior year and not get preoccupied with the future, i.e. falling into the “college trap”. 
  • Phase 2: When a daughter leaves home, whether it’s to live with roommates, travel, enter the workforce, try entrepreneurship, or go to college. As she gains her independence, her parents are losing a job that’s defined them for nearly two decades. While she gets ceremonies and congratulations, there’s no accompanying ritual or even acknowledgment of the changes in her life. 
  • Phase 3: Letting go, which can trigger a “mom crisis.”

This essential guidebook will validate what readers are feeling and experiencing with their daughter right now as well as give them a road map for what’s coming next. Dial Up the Dream prepares moms for the three phases they will go through during the late teens and early twenties.

 In Dial Up the Dream, O’Grady helps readers get unstuck, make sense of their own story, and reconnect with themselves, gently guiding moms to dial up their own dream as their daughters embark on chasing theirs. The paradox is that when you dial up your own dream…you stay close to your daughter.

Key Takeaways:

  • Exactly what’s going on with your daughter emotionally and physiologically. And how to use this science-based knowledge to set realistic expectations
  • How to think about and navigate the many complex feelings in this journey for both you and your daughter
  • The most common emotional traps we moms get caught in during these years and how to avoid them altogether
  • Why it’s imperative to change your parenting role from monitor to trusted consultant—and how to do that
  • How to use this new phase in your daughter’s life to dial up your own dreams—and why doing so is imperative to your daughter’s development and to have a vibrant, meaningful, lifelong mother-daughter relationship
  • How to establish a vibrant, meaningful, lifelong mother-daughter relationship


  • 3 tips for maintaining a healthy relationship with your daughter while preparing for college
  • How to get the most out of your child’s junior and senior years
  • 5 tips to help teenage daughters become independent and successful young adults
  • They turn 18 – what now? Understanding the neuroscience behind the “Maturity Gap” and how to support the decisions of your young adult best 
  • Five key shifts to make in your relationship when your daughter goes off to college
  • How the role of a parent is impacted their teenage daughters are finding their identity and their place in the world as they get ready to enter adulthood
  • Shifting from “monitor” to “consultant” for your young adult— What this means, and how to do it
  • My college daughter had a setback. What can I do?
  • How to turn hard conversations into healing conversations with your teen and young adult children
  • The productive empty nest: How chasing your own dreams as your young adult chases theirs can bring you closer together
  • Combatting the “mom crisis” – 3 ways to positively redefine your role after your children leave home
  • My kids are gone – now who am I? 5 tips for reconnecting with yourself and embracing your next act
  • Simple tips to stay connected with your child when they go off to college

Connect with Colleen O’Grady, MA






Rog Willis

Husband, father to 3 kids, Papa to 2 grandkids. I love rock music (mostly), travel, and social media. I am currently a Manager at Dunkin Donuts so my wife Becky (previously owner of What U Talking Bout Willis) has been holding down my website for me. She has over 15 years experience online so I know you are in good hands.

2 thoughts on “Colleen O’Grady Author of Dial Up the Dream

  • I’m interesting in reading this book. Thanks for posting!

  • This book would be very helpful!


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