
5 Reasons It’s Smart To Choose Used

When was the last time you considered buying a car? Did you daydream of the sleek interiors and the smart paintwork of a brand new model? Most people do so you won’t be alone in that. The thing is, you do need to be able to have the funds to go ahead and buy a brand new car, and not everyone has the chance to do that.

Instead, you should look at buying used cars instead. A new car is a lovely idea, but it’s not always financially practical. In fact, it’s financially a nightmare if you don’t have the right credit and you end up paying high monthly repayments. Financing can be easier with new cars, but buying a new car isn’t always the best option. Here are five reasons that buying used is the smarter choice:

  1. Your used car won’t hurt your feelings. When you drive a brand new car off the lot, it instantly loses value. That can be painful and it can hurt your feelings because you want your investment to be worth it. A used car isn’t going to be worth the most, but it’s at least not going to lose a huge chunk of value just because you left the lot!
  2. You’ll get more for your cash. The depreciation of a new car can be a burden but when you go to resell a used car, you’ll be able to earn relatively the same amount of money that you paid in the first place. Getting more for your cash is important in the long run, and you can with a used car! 
  3. The variety is there. Used cars come with a lot of variety. Any brand, any make, any model – it’s all there and there are over 400 models of cars that go for sale every year. You need the right vehicle and used cars give you plenty of choice, plenty of styles and your budget will thank you for it in the long run. You can choose used cars at so many different locations and that means that you can choose the right car for you and your family.
  4. You can track it. Used cars come with a history that will always be tracked. You’ll know how the cars were treated and the owners before. You’ll know if the cars were stolen, or ‘cut and shut’ together and they become a danger. They have data and you can learn the reliability of the previous models and you’ll feel confident about the car you buy.
  5. You’ll be able to drive off with it. Once you choose your used car off the lot, you will be able to drive off with a new car there and then when you pay for it. It’s always smart to choose used when you are looking at your budget and you want to drive off with your car from the lot. It’s vital that you choose a car that suits you and your budget no matter what!

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Rog Willis

Husband, father to 3 kids, Papa to 2 grandkids. I love rock music (mostly), travel, and social media. I am currently a Manager at Dunkin Donuts so my wife Becky (previously owner of What U Talking Bout Willis) has been holding down my website for me. She has over 15 years experience online so I know you are in good hands.

3 thoughts on “5 Reasons It’s Smart To Choose Used

  • Always good to buy used cars new ones lose value so quickly . If you get a good used one save the difference in payments rach month and you can pay for another when it dies .

  • Used cars can be a great option! I’ve been looking at cars lately and I definitely think a used car is a good choice for me.

  • This is great information. Sometimes used vehicles are in like new condition


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