
5 Cholesterol Facts You Need to Know

Are you worried about how cholesterol is affecting your life?

Around 38% of Americans suffer from having high cholesterol levels. When most hear about this, they become conscious of their health. As a result, people watch over what they eat and avoid cholesterol altogether.

Not only is that incredibly difficult, though, but it’s also unhealthy to avoid cholesterol entirely. The cholesterol facts below will tell you what you need to know. Read on and learn why it’s better to manage cholesterol than avoid it.

1. Not All Cholesterol Is Bad

What most don’t know is that there are two types of cholesterol. Low-density lipoprotein makes up most of your body’s cholesterol. It’s responsible for fat formation but can also build plaque in your heart and arteries. 

High-density lipoprotein carries cholesterol to your liver and other major organs. It also lowers your chances of developing heart disease and corrects your artery linings. You can find HDL in foods high in unsaturated fat, like fish, beans, and whole grains.

2. You Can’t Feel High Cholesterol Levels

Many make the mistake of thinking they can feel their cholesterol levels. The fact is that having high cholesterol levels exhibits no signs or symptoms. You may be well on your way to having a heart attack without realizing it, thinking that you have lower cholesterol levels than you do.

What you can do, though, is have your cholesterol checked. Here, medical professionals take blood from you to measure your lipid levels. You often need to fast for 8 hours to increase the accuracy of the test results.

3. Cholesterol Management Is Possible

Don’t make the mistake of thinking you’re stuck with your cholesterol levels for life. There are many ways for you to reduce cholesterol to healthier levels. One such way is by improving your diet.

Eating more healthy cholesterol can boost the effects of HDL, which includes lowering your total cholesterol levels. Reducing your weight also helps a great deal in lowering LDL levels.

4. Medication Goes a Long Way

Exercise isn’t a good option for those with asthma or who have a debilitating injury. What’s great is there’s a new class of drugs that helps manage your LDL cholesterol. You can take a tablet of Livalo 1mg per day, or have statins slow down organic cholesterol production.

Talk to a medical professional to know what medicines you should take. You can only get meds that manage cholesterol through a prescription, so don’t forget to ask for one.

5. Cholesterol Is Genetic

Did you know that cholesterol isn’t exclusive to older adults? One in five adolescents has high cholesterol levels. It makes such individuals likely to develop a stroke or heart disease earlier on in life. 

Many factors contribute to high cholesterol in children. Having a history of obesity and diabetes increases the risk of a child having it. Poor diets are also factors in having high LDL levels in infants.

Learn These Cholesterol Facts Today

While it’s good to lower cholesterol levels, avoiding them isn’t ideal. Learn why cholesterol management is a must with the help of the cholesterol facts above. Mold a better you and reach optimal health today!

Do you want more tips on managing your health and wellbeing? Check out more of our guides to see what you can learn from us today!


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Rog Willis

Husband, father to 3 kids, Papa to 2 grandkids. I love rock music (mostly), travel, and social media. I am currently a Manager at Dunkin Donuts so my wife Becky (previously owner of What U Talking Bout Willis) has been holding down my website for me. She has over 15 years experience online so I know you are in good hands.

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